Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Station, Part 18

More evidence that I was right in classifying the tunnels. I located my Tunnel Round and after having been traveling through it, there’s been no sign of incline either up or down. I’m relieved and I must say a little proud. No, more than a little proud. I’m a little embarrassed at myself for it, since I should have figured out the key much sooner than I did. Oh well, I did discover the road signs. And this must just be the start of them. Up ahead the tunnel is starting to curve to the right, but with no change in altitude. I wonder if that feature has some significance and not just a random design element. Design. Now there’s a thought. The word conveys purpose. Intelligence. Many clues point towards a mind behind all that I’ve seen. In just my short time here, I’ve seen wonders that would turn humanity on its collective head. It’s so like a cosmic joke, that after all the centuries, Man’s search for life in the universe has culminated in one man who has seen the offspring of many worlds, has no means whatsoever to tell anyone about it. Let’s see if I can change that cruel punch line.

The tunnel must have made a full ninety degree turn. I’m traveling in a straight line again. With all of this walking I’ve been doing. I’ll be ready for a marathon in no time. Here we go. The tunnel’s ending.

And hallelujah! There she is! Frontier. She looks so gorgeous. I had no idea just how much I missed that huge hunk of junk until now. She’s a ways off in the distance and listing to port, doing her impression of the leaning Tower of Piza, but so the fuck what? Who or whatever they are, they’ve managed to wedge her into yet another custom sized crevasse it seems. I’m walking at a good clip now. If I could I’d jog, but that is out of the question in this getup. Can’t wait to get inside and out of this damn suit. So sick of this thing and the nasty food paste and the canned sound of my own voice. I should slow down to a normal pace again, but who cares now? The station looks powered down right now, but I’ll reestablish vital systems, namely environmental control, and start the oxygen flowing again. Looks like I didn’t need the suit’s week-long supply of O2. I’ve got, according to the HUD, just under five days at normal exertion left. Am I good or what?

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